Thursday, June 4, 2009

Grizzly Bear

cooler than a shark high-fiving a gorilla

It goes a little something like this...a phenomenally instrumentally talented dude gets together with a killer composer and two other guys, all of whom can sing, and you get the backstory for Grizzly Bear. Well, that doesn't really do it any justice, but if you dig these guys (you might!), you can further delve into how they came to be on your own time - this isn't fucking behind the fucking music people.

Anyhoo, Grizzly Bear just released a new album Veckatimest, and while some of their previous albums have been admittedly weird, this disc is solid. For example:

About Face.mp3

While You Wait For The Others.mp3

Also, here's their REALLY CREEPY new music video.


Also, a shout out to local design studio Baroke Clothing for this sweet-ass design that always reminds me of these guys' music.


Good morrow to thee.


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