STS9 continues their history of giving with a release to help build homes in New Orleans
Sound Tribe Sector 9 has always been a socially conscious group, collecting canned food donations at every tour stop and registering voters via the Head Count organization. For those who don't know, STS9 (as they like to be called) are an electronic jam band that creates amazing grooves and tight songs that they play slightly differently at each live show.
Here's what inspired the band to act and the result of their dedication, in their own words:
"During a day off the members of STS9 had arranged to help deliver food which they had collected, with the help of their generous fans, at each stop of their tour. The band were welcomed with open arms and even invited in for dinner to one of the many trailers so many called home. There they met families, friends and neighbors all sharing in one unfortunate common denominator. To say the experience was humbling is an under statement. It was life changing. It was with this visit STS9 began to manifest what we are so proud to announce today. An example of people helping people because we can, and quite simply, should. A effort that honors the people of a city so rooted in music, art and celebration and reminds us all there is still hope and determination to complete what we all know needs finishing. The rebuilding of New Orleans.
PEACEBLASTER: THE NEW ORLEANS MAKE IT RIGHT REMIXES is a collection of 30 tracks, all donated by generous artists from across the globe, being released in an effort to build a home in New Orleans which we hope will serve as a permanent reminder of what the combination of art and love can accomplish.
100% of the profits from this release will go towards the Make It Right Foundation. We invite you, starting June 23rd, to help us spread the word as we work together to change a little bit of the world."
The Make it Right Foundation was created by actor Brad Pitt to help build sustainable, green new homes in the Lower 9th Ward, the area of New Orleans hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina. Check out the link, it's a great cause.
To support their release STS9 leaked three tracks from the album, which you can sample below. The album features remixes of STS9 songs from their 2008 album Peaceblaster. In addition, they created this very cool ecard. Check out the tunes, and if you like what you hear and want to support a great cause for a great city, buy the album.
Hidden Hand, Hidden Fist (The Flying Skulls feat Abstract Rude Remix).mp3
Metameme (Alex B Concepts Remix).mp3
Shock Doctrine (Welder Remix).mp3
Just got introduced to these guys by friend. Awesome.