You'll never get out of this maze you'll never get out of this maze
Ah Phish. Always a pleasure to see these guys throw down, particularly in an 8,000 person venue instead of a 68,000 person venue. I only went to the last show of their three night run at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago, but I was treated to a great set. The boys played a lot of songs and rocked hard, never harder than when they covered Zeppelin's No Quarter. There weren't any truly mammoth jams and the second set kind of went in fits and starts, but the setlist was stellar and it's fun to watch a light show designed for huge amphitheaters completely light up a much smaller arena. Here's the setlist and some videos from the show.
Set 1: Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird, Gumbo > Possum, Weigh > The Divided Sky, Alaska, Bathtub Gin, Maze, Cavern > First Tube
Set 2: Crosseyed and Painless -> No Quarter > Timber (Jerry) > Tweezer > Prince Caspian > Piper > Ghost -> Makisupa Policeman > Sleep > Buffalo Bill, Golgi Apparatus > Character Zero > Run Like an Antelope
Encore: Funky Bitch, Show of Life > Tweezer Reprise
Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird
Crosseyed and Painless jam
No Quarter - kinda low quality but man did they rock this one
Phish is what other jam bands aspire to be. You can't be a cliche if you're the trend setter. Keep that in mind folks. Great show. Happy Friday.
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