Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th's Goodness: Brett Shady

Happy Friday Yall,

This is one of those 'lucky it fell in my lap' songs, as I've been listening to it all week and having some serious foot tapping sessions. There unfortunately isn't a ton of music to listen to online by this talented dude, Brett Shady, but what a great song this is, titled "Angels, Ghosts, and Demons." Lyrically full of personal experiences and ups and downs, musically upbeat, and easily evoking early Johnny Cash - it's a great jam. Call me an emo guy, but the final minute of the song actually gets to me a bit, it just seems deep rooted from somewhere, always have to wonder what experiences artists write about in their songs.

I'd highly recommend listening to the song in its entirety. Foot tap away (as everyone whose already heard this song will attest to), and it's 2010 so hopefully you have Flash installed on your computer):

[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]

Right click on me and hit save as to download
Buy the album:

Thanks to Kristin A.

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