I posted some stuff about Qball Lives a couple weeks ago but the tracks didn't work out the way I wanted, so here's round two.
Show some love to my man Cheeks, working hard to make the world safe for white suburban rappers from the Midwest. Here are some words from the artist:
Allow a brother to summarize; I recently decided to hire a producer so i could record all this funky shit that comes to my head. I'm planning on putting together a small mixtape/EP until I empty out my writing archives. Being the friends and fellow hip-hop supporters that you are, I figured I would drop a couple joints your way a bit early so u can hear what I've been up to. Because of the great feedback so far, I plan on making this project "CD case and insert" worthy. Not sure when this will touch your paws but I suppose not until this time-consuming little hobby finally produces a solid product. Download this shit to your iTunes' playlist and take a serious listen... more than once I recommend! "MidWestCoast" highlights my near-future move to San Diego. "Make Love to Break Up" is a story about relationships (or lack there of). Prepare to board the Dope-Shit Express:) Good Looking out.
Qball Lives by Stew C
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